The Exterior (R) and Interior (i) Person

Exterior (Real/Visible) Person

Our physical body is the physical entity through which we gather all the experiences of life in the external world. It is such an integral part of us that we need to consciously and constantly remind ourselves to take very good care of it.

Thus, we need to watch what we eat (adopt good nutritional habits) and to ensure that we have enough exercise to keep our body fit and healthy.

Interior (Invisible) Person

As an individual, we are conscious that our “inner person (spirit, soul)” controls and decides how we act in the “visible, natural world stage” through our physical body.

We ask questions (5WH – Who, What, Where, When, Why, How) as part of our desire to understand our inner person, and also of the animate (biological) and inanimate (physical) activities we see and experience in the external natural world environment.

Meditations & Reflections

“Meditating and Reflecting” on what we have learned from our daily life experiences is an essential learning activity. Each one of us, as a “Hero in our adventure life journey” have to take responsibility for our own self-education.

How much we grow as a conscious person and the perspectives we get from our life experiences depends on the synthesis we make during the time we set aside for meditation and reflections on our experiences.

Thus, a person may be physically young but may have grown mentally and gain greater consciouness because he/she have spent more time meditating and integrating their life experiences into their inner consciousness. 

The life journey of each person, and the perspectives they acquired at each stage of their lives are unique.

Useful metaphor

A useful metaphor for a person’s life journey maybe illustrated by the example of 3 trekkers (X, Y, Z) up a mountain. Each of them will start their trek at the foot of the mountain but how far up the mountain they reach depends on themselves.

The perspectives they get from the locations on the slope of the mountain will be different. The higher they get the better will be their ability to see the connections between all the objects they experience along their trek up the mountain. 

The visual perspectives the 3 trekkers get from their respective position on the mountain slopes vary, depending on how much personal effort they make in trekking up the mountain.

Similarly, the rate at which a person grows in “self-awareness within the scheme of life” is not dependent on the physical age of the person but on the amount of investments they put in their own self-education.